• Silk Scarves

    Silk Scarves

    As far as custom made scarves go and requested neckwear- silk scarves are the default request.

      Almost Interchangeable with the word scarf itself, silk necks scarves are the most requested accessory product in the world. With women outnumbering men in presentable service roles 3-1 globally , the ladies silk scarf is a specialty unto its own.

      Uniform requirements, prismatic attendants, or luxurious gifts…… custom made scarves and silk neckwear like no one else. Delicate, feminine, premium, soft….-silk scarves are loved by wearer and admirer alike. Custom designs leap to life and are worn as only a lustrous silk scarf can be.

      Finished in the world’s finest offerings, your Silk neckerchief could be in a Crepe De Chin, could be a silk satin or a sheer chiffon. Silk scarves offer comfort, style and breathability in a neckwear item and should you or your client expect nothing else?

      Download PDF: Corporate Ties and Scarves catalogue

    All ties and scarves are custom made
      to order Contact Us
      or call +61 3 9802-5288
      for a quote and details

    CorporateUniformsAustralia.com.au: Ties and Scarves

    CorporateUniformsAustralia.com.au: Ties and Scarves

    CorporateUniformsAustralia.com.au: Ties and Scarves

    CorporateUniformsAustralia.com.au: Ties and Scarves

    CorporateUniformsAustralia.com.au: Ties and Scarves

    CorporateUniformsAustralia.com.au: Ties and Scarves

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